Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chainsaw Season!

I hereby declare the start of Chainsaw Season!

From the beginning of September till the end of March, it's chainsaw season in the woods.

The wildlife have had their time to raise their young, and now it's my turn to log for milling and fuelwood.

This season, I plan to clear most or all of the forest trail paths in Deerwood as the main development project.

First order of business is to get a store of wood cut for the office heating this winter. I'll cut mostly standing deadwood for this as it has already dried some.


  1. sfx: (CHAINSAW ROARING TO LIFE in the wilds of BC).

  2. Rob,

    I dropped a medium sized black cherry last night that was in the middle of a forest trail.

    But I got swamped this evening when the darn 260 Stihl wouldn't start. Think I may have flooded it after a refill.

    Spent the night filing the chain, pulling the thing apart, and drinkin' beer.

    So, it wasn't a total waste.
