Thursday, August 27, 2009

Deer, Yaup....

Being around the semi-tame Deerwood inhabitants for a while, I can get pretty casual about it all.

The building inspector came by today and passed the wood stove for the forest management office. The usual deer were in the parking area as Ernie arrived and he expressed his amazement in hushed tones as they stood twenty feet away, waiting for us to leave. "Oh, yeah", I said.

miss the thrill I used to get.... Wow! look, deer!

Earlier today I came across three mature female deer and two fawns along a Deerwood trail. The dominant female took point, with the young female fawn bringing up the rear. Walking in a line about thirty feet apart, they just stepped off the trail and waited for me to pass. I said my usual, "Hey, howsitgoin'" so they know everything's cool.

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