Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day in the Life

Another sunny, mild November day. Perfect. Almost.

Basically working up a sweat, clearing forest trails along the western ridge line.

A day working in the forest - every chore a celebration of life. And death for some unlucky trees.

It's hard to put together the pieces of the day....

Here's some photos. Here's a little slide show, whatever I can think up on the spot is set down on the lines below it. Not really a slide show. I'm too lazy to figure out how to do that on Blogger - and I don't want to know, thanks.

Imagine the lights dim, I hover over the carousel slide projector with a drink (or two) in hand.

Here's the first one...

Is it ladybug season? Went to FMO for lunch and they're all over
the place - all over FMO. Hope these little bastards don't try
to form a bloody colony. Then inside I find house flies up on the
ceiling, trying to get out the window. At first I was pissed, then
I realized, "Hey, with the fly zapper, this is the only entertainment
I've got". Yea, flies!

This afternoon the sun hit a large opening of moss on rock just
right. After a bunch of photos I settled on this one. Love
the close up setting on the Tek4 camera.

This one goes in the Whoops file. It was getting late in
the day and I was pushing myself too hard to get to end of
trail. Sometimes that destructo high gets to ya and make hasty
decisions that you end up regretting. Ach-hem [takes drink].
Long story I won't bore you about why my chainsaw
bar got stuck in the back cut. It just is. You get overconfident,
thinking you're some kinda looper and this is what happens.

So I unbolted the bar from the saw engine and will fit another
bar and chain to cut this one free. And have the cut tree
fall in a highly unpredictable way most likely. I'm still toying
with the idea of chopping it free with an axe. I'll think about
it tomorrow.

Ahh, the southern afternoon view down the western trail.

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